Chandigarh, Apr 30 : Haryana Staff Selection Commission has today declared the result of written examination for the post of Shift Attendant against advertisement number 3/2016 category no. 01 of UHBVNL, HVPNL and DHBVNL and decided that the scrutiny of documents of the candidates will be held in the commission office from May 5 to 11, 2017 as per schedule to be notified shortly on commission’s website.
The candidates were advised to report at 9a.m. in the Commission office, bays no. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula. They are also directed to bring all original documents, downloaded application form, alongwith one set of self-attested copies of all documents mentioned in the their application form and one ID proof. The roll numbers of the candidates are available on the Commission’s website
In case a candidate does not appear for scrutiny of documents, he or she will not be considered for viva-voce or interview and no further opportunity will be given thereafter. It is important to note that after the scrutiny of documents, if a candidate is found eligible it will not confer any right of interview and candidates only falling within twice the number of vacancies would be called for interview.