CSR can play a vital role in the education sector : Dr. R.A. Mashelkar

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-IICA conducts inaugural event of new IICA Certified CSR Professional Programme

Gurugram : The School of Business and Environment (SoBE) of the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) conducted a virtual inaugural event of the 8th batch of IICA Certified CSR Professional Programme on 19th August .   The chief guest of the event, Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, delivered an inspiring keynote address on the theme of “Bharat at 75: The Role of CSR”. He shared his vision of how CSR can play a vital role in the education sector.

He said that  the most important equation in the world: E=F (Education is equal to Future). He also focused on five Mashelkar agendas for effective CSR: integration, innovation, inclusion, investment and impact measurement. He emphasized on the need to ensure equal access to resources and opportunities for all sections of society, especially the rural and marginalized communities.

He also stressed on the need to balance the investment of CSR funds across different sectors and regions, and to leverage technology for value creation and social impact. He urged the corporates to pitch their CSR initiatives where they are actually needed and to measure their outcomes using both qualitative and quantitative metrics. He concluded his speech by requesting everyone to look at the picture of Bharat at 75, not India at 75.

N.M. Prusty shared his insights on the strategic approach to CSR: why, where and how. He explained how CSR can be aligned with the business goals and social needs through a proper need assessment and stakeholder engagement and also suggested how CSR can enhance employee relations, customer loyalty and brand reputation.

Dr. Garima Dadhich provided an overview of the IICA Certified CSR Professional Programme and importance of nurturing the CSR Professional in today’s rapidly changing age of responsibility. She highlighted the importance of CSR in the current scenario and how IICA aims to create a pool of competent CSR professionals who can contribute to the social and economic development of the country.

She also shared the message from Praveen Kumar, Director General & CEO, IICA and congratulated the participants for joining this programme. The event ended with a blackboard LMSsession by the Chief Programme Executive, who familiarized the participants with the online learning management system used for delivering the nine months online programme. The inaugural event was attended by about 50 participants who were middle to senior level corporate, government, academia, and NGO srepresentatives.


CSR Professional Programme :

The IICA Certified CSR Professional Programme is a nine-month online course that aims to equip the participants with the knowledge, skills and attitude required for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating CSR projects and programmes. The programme covers various aspects of CSR such as legal framework, policy guidelines, standards, best practices, reporting, communication and stakeholder management. The programme also provides exposure to various thematic areas such as education, health, environment, livelihoods, gender equality and disaster management.

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